decades of experience you can trust
Anything custom is. So why bother investing in them? The answer is simple. They are a direct point of contact with people that work amazingly well, at least well planned events do. Whether the target audience consists of staff, customers, or the general public, the communication created by a well-crafted event is visceral. They speak individually but the collective setting amplifies the message in very powerful ways.
Humans are a 'pack' species. We all want to be individual and unique but, at the same time, we want to achieve that from within accepted parameters. Events are a vehicle for delivering information; sales strategy, team-building, sometimes pure entertainment (also a message), in a way that can be appreciated by the individual. But when the 'pack' is intrigued, enthused or just plain entertained, and hopefully all three, the information is dramatically enhanced. Live events deliver the group experience more cost-effectively than any other marketing tool. Use them wisely.
Get StartedThat which intrigues some does not necessarily intrigue others but there is almost always a common denominator to be found. It is important to know your audience and craft your presentation with their needs in mind. A show that does not engage its constituency, whether the thrust of the presentation is business, outreach or entertainment, typically misses the mark. More fundamentally, experience suggests that if there are, say, six people in your 'working group', there are usually up to six different visions of the event. These competing visions must be harmonized and aligned to create a focused strategy. If the event team is not completely united in its thinking, the presentation too will lack focus.
People are the heart of all events. When it comes to satisfying often disparate expectations, harmonizing the collective understanding, there are many choices to be made. In that regard, even simple events are complicated; complex ones, even more so. There are many moving parts, both on and off the 'stage'. Harnessing that potential can at times be daunting.
To put things in perspective, the process of manufacturing a new product can take months, even years of planning, testing and prototyping. In most cases, 'one-off' presentations are fortunate if they get more than a simple run-through. Time is always in short supply, yet the efforts of dozens, sometimes hundreds of people are required to mesh seamlessly. Expectations are always high and there is no possibility of delay.
As with most functions there are many who can do the job and a select few who do the job very well. The most talented of these craftspeople seem to anticipate needs, intuitively remaining steps ahead.
Where do you want to be? As the old saying goes, "if it's not on the page, it's not on the stage." The only way to ensure predictable results is through meticulous planning. That starts with a crystal clear definition of what the project is, what it is intended to achieve and, possibly most importantly, what success actually looks like. Many assume the answers to these questions are obvious however defining them in detail, in writing, galvanizes the effort. Below is a 'location' overview as well as an indoor and outdoor budget template. Presentations and events come in all sizes and shapes, of course, so these should be modified as required.
After 30+ years in the event business there are few things that could be described as unfamiliar ground. That said, primary focus resides within three broad categories.
Turnkey, concept through delivery. Working with clients to create events that delivers on both client and audience expectation
Helping clients to define and align internal resources to achieve the results required to maximize their investment
Live events are dynamic, time-sensitive environments that demand rapid decision-making and rigorous cost control
outstanding events and presentations are the product of experience
The years have provided many opportunities to work with talented individuals in the creation of shows and events throughout Canada, the United States and Europe. Here are a few examples.
General thoughts and information of potential interest to people engaged in the live show and special events sector. Feel free to send along any questions.
As with most complex questions the answer is, it depends. The cost of travel and accommodation is significant, often the biggest single budget item. Experienced people and equipment can be found in almost any location that shows and event occur, so it's reasonable to wonder if some or all of this could be source locally.
It's a milestone occasion for the firm and what better way to punctuate the significance of the event than having a legendary entertainer perform at the gala. Recent changes in the music business mean that virtually everyone is available - for a fee, which itself can be arresting. However there are other implications to consider.
Events are people. A well crafted event must take into account not only the needs of a particular audience but also the needs of people as a whole. We all have various constituencies; employee, aficionado, supporter, even genre music lover, but as people we have basic needs that should not be given short shrift.